Equivalent Fractions - Lapbooks and Explorations
Regular price $5.00
Australia Lapbooks I Information Report- I States-animals-landmarks-currency I
Regular price $4.00
Halloween Narrative writing l 3D Template l templates and scaffolds
Regular price $4.50
Organisation and management skills for ADHD students-SPED
Think mats for Math center Whiteboard iPads
Regular price $3.50
Subitising - dot pattern recognition. Sea themed for kindergarten
SUBITIZING CARDS I DOT PATTERNS I with emoji transitions
Science- Magic Milk Experiment
STEM Science- Making Playdough
Graphic Organizers- mixed pack for a variety of subjects
REWARD BRACELETS *Positive Reinforcement -editable
Math logic games and brain teasers - deductive reasoning pack(Animals)
ANZAC DAY Activities Pack and unit planner
Regular price $4.50 Sale price $2.00
Australian events-Literacy analysis First and Second Hand
Amazing Website Links and Surviving Relief Teaching Book
Regular price $20.00
Optical Illusions - Brain Break and Art Activity.
Regular price $4.00 Sale price $2.00
Math Logic puzzles, brain teasers and Optical Illusions Set 1
Subitising l Dot pattern recognition l Sea themed l How many bubbles?
Base Ten Trading Games
Math Strategy Posters l Positive Mindset l What I can do if I get stuck ...