Easy Links- Wonderful Websites for very busy teachers
This book will save you hours of searching for great websites and downloads to support your teaching and building up your resource library. It is estimated that teachers on average spend $2000 a year on buying resource books and materials. Let this small investment help to save you money and build up your resources at the same time. This ebook is full of great attention getters, and a behaviour management booklet.
Other bundles and booklets are available in my store to support you with the rigors of day to day teaching.

GoTeachThis.com will soon become your one stop shop for printable Math & Reading games as the resources here are pedagogically sound and student friendly. Our printables also make learning Social, Visible and Fun.
Each download contains: game boards and/or playing cards, game rules, teaching notes for before the game, during the game and after the game. Many of the printables also include hints for possible extension activities and variations of play.
These games are a must have to add to your teaching resource kit, I have yet to meet a class that have not enjoyed playing with these games. Print, laminate and you have a collection of amazing resources for teaching kit. No need for worksheets when students have these games to practise and consolidate their skills, strategies and concept development.