Oceanview Education and Teaching Supplies

Healthy Hearts-a complete unit for middle to upper primary.

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As Valentine's day approaches it is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to discuss the importance of our hearts, heart health and our emotional well being.

This unit of work covers all bases and a range of subject areas and skills Table of contents

❤️ Word Work - Definitions of words that contain the word 'Heart' and using inference to have a guess at the meaning of the word in the context of a sentence. Cross reference with the dictionary to check. Self assessment task for each one

❤️Information report- our amazing hearts. Using butterfly hearts and tab style notebooks to record main facts and key points from the text

❤️Acts of kindness- how our heart governs our emotions, Using the heart shaped templates to explore feelings and color, and to give examples of situations that would demonstrate understanding of the meaning of the given words.

❤️Could you save a life?- CPR and emergency numbers around the world explored through infographics and YouTube clips

❤️Love in the arts- exploring love as a theme for stories, movies, songs, art and books. Write a review or recommendation for a friend using the fun iPhone template provided

❤️Word Search- highlighting the key words used in the descriptions of the anatomy of the heart

❤️Healthy Eating- the importance of a balanced diet and the vital role it plays in heart health. Create a menu with the notebook template, and create a shopping list to help you plan!!! This could be followed up by a healthy class party!!

❤️Exercise and a healthy heart' the value of exercise in maintaining heart health. Students are encouraged to keep a diary of their physical activity over a week and graph and compare the class results in a mathematical statistics and graphing lesson ❤️Self Assessment and checklists for students are included

❤️Dice game to monitor and evaluate learning- this is a fun exit task Don't miss this opportunity to discuss how important heart health is this Valentines Day. Forget the chocolates!! Let's focus on sending some love to our AMAZING HEARTS You will receive a 50 page PDF UK and AUS, and UK spelling variations included in the pack 

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