These posters are perfect to use as displays or discussion starters when outlining your expectations of behavior in the classroom.
- Why not choose one as a focus for the lesson eg keeping an organised and tidy space, using and inside voice etc.
- Raise your hand
- Cover your mouth
- Be kind
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Take turns
- Say please and thank you
- Share Listen
- We are kind and respectful to each other, and each others belongings
- We are all responsible at keeping our workplace tidy and clean
- We respect each others personal space
- We listen to the teacher We will look at the person talking and listen to what they have to say
- We will look at the person who is talking
- We will not have any bullying in our classroom
- We will sort out our problems without fighting
- We will keep safe by walking around the classroom and our school
- We will keep our yelling voices outside of the classroom.
- Quiet voices inside We will take turns to talk.
- We can show we want to talk by putting our hands up
- We will share our toys and classroom resources
- We will line up quietly at the door and when we move around the school
- We will work quietly on our own tasks in the classroom
These images are colorful and engaging for younger students to relate to, with beautiful images from Educlips to bring them alive.
24 High colour 24 Low colour